Do you know of a loved one or a friend who is currently
experiencing a moment in their lives that involves depression, or anxiety? Have
you noticed odd personality changes come about when speaking to them that don’t
fit their normal character? These could be signs of something else taking place
which only a medical professional can determine. Thankfully, there are trained
medical professionals licensed within the San Diego psychology world with the
experience and skills who know how to listen and understand those in need of a
person that truly cares about them.
Dr. Judy Phillips is one of the San Diego psychology professionals that will gladly meet with you in her San Diego office to further
discuss your mental health needs. While
you are visiting with Dr. Phillips there will be a discussion about your reason
for visiting and how you would like to improve. The visit will also include how
you can best be assisted to improve using the options of neurofeedback and
psychological services.
A brief introduction of how neurofeedback is completed by
using an EEG (electroencephalogram) to read brainwave activity. The EEG
processes the behavior of the human brain and shows read out on paper. Using
the read out there can then be the best determination of how to improve
thought. Statistics have shown the neurofeedback process does benefit a patient
because it will read then record a person’s brain wave activity using the EEG
equipment. With the assistance of Dr. Judy Phillips, this could be one of the
options chosen for rebuilding your state of mind.
The benefit of using neurofeedback is because it has
improved cases of anxiety, stress, depression, and has also assisted patients
who experience the fear factor. Other benefits in using the neurofeedback with
EEG are the decrease of headaches as well as migraines, assistance with ADHD,
and positive symptom improvement in patients with organic brain disorder.
Because this type of treatment can be used on children younger patients have
been greatly assisted as there has been an improvement in areas of bedwetting
symptoms and nightmare episodes.
Of course neurofeedback will have a different outcome with each person because each reading will be unique. Every sensor will be placed in a
different location because each person has a different size head. Not only the
placement of sensors will make readings unique how the person reacts to the
actual game itself will also show a different outcome on ebb and flow. The most
important point to remember about neurofeedback is that it will assist in how
to improve but it will not cure a health condition. A medical professional should
always be involved for direct health care advice.
For details how San Diego psychologist can assist your mental
health needs, visit Total BrainHealth.