Thursday, 25 February 2016

A local psychologist in San Diego can assist your stress level with neurofeedback

Are you experiencing anxiety due to high stress levels taking place at work? Could there be other activities causing depression or stress you are no longer able to keep organized? There is a way to get back on your feet including the ability of being organized; it is by using what is called neurofeedback. The person who can assist you is Dr. Lucy Phillips; she is a psychologist in San Diego that can provide you with what is needed to regain control once again by using neurofeedback. Neurofeedback is the medical term known for an EEG biofeedback as it will better assist in the discovery of how the human brain processes information and performs. In essence, neurofeedback will show the behavior of the human brain using the EEG read out and determine how we can best modify or make changes to our own behavior and lower that stress level being felt.

Did you know the neurofeedback process has benefited others because of how the neurofeedback reads and records the brain wave activity? How this activity takes place is by using what is called an EEG aka an electroencephalogram. The readout documentation will provide you with the ability to improve human abilities such as cognitive, attention issues, and emotional issues. Other areas that can benefit using neurofeedback are things such as human fear, anxiety, and sleep disorders.

There are some medical case patients who have used neurofeedback for care and curing of their migraines, basic headaches, depression, and organic brain disorders. Neurofeedback has also been used on patients who have certain types of seizures, mood disorders, ADHD, PTSD, and bed wetting. Each patient is different and results will be very different for everyone. Please keep in mind that neurofeedback is not a cure to a medical condition; it only will assist in how the brain works. Please stay in contact with your medical provider if you are taking medication and follow his or her care diagnosis. 

The EEG neurofeedback can be completed by your local psychologist in San Diego Dr. Lucy Phillips in her office as this is a very simple procedure. Furthermore the procedure is completed using sterile sensors each time that are attached to your scalp using EEG paste. The test is harmless, no medication is used and you are completely safe while the test is being done at Dr. Phillip’s office. As mentioned earlier, the neurofeedback will record the ebb and flow of your brain wave activity while you are watching a video game on the machine. To obtain more information how neurofeedback can assist your stress contact Dr. Phillips at Total Brain Health so she can listen and provide the best care.

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