Friday 24 March 2017

Why San Diego psychology visits should be your first focus

There comes a moment in time when we need to step back and start thinking about ourselves. Everyone has busy times in life which is normal but there are some who can overdo what needs to be done for his or her daily routine and that can become a larger issue if not carefully watched. Some persons do quite well having a busy lifestyle but there are others who cannot handle it yet they continue down the same path and it turns into a very dangerous spiral causing damage to both the physical and mental health. 

When being in this state of mind comes about, it is time to step back and rethink about your own health and how to better improve you. That doesn’t mean to stop doing everything, but it does mean to slow down just a bit in the many projects taking place long enough to come up for air and breathe. Sometimes we can get so into our work habits without considering other issues and before we know it we’re constantly doing work. The same thought applies when taking care of personal matters; don’t spread yourself too thin, taking care of others and forget to care for you.

It is difficult to have a balanced life between what we do for work and our home but with a slight bit of organization and some planning things can be manageable each day. The best way we can get assistance in planning or organizing is to take the time and share your emotions with your local San Diego psychology doctor, Dr. Jill Phillips. Dr. Phillips can assist with wanting to be organized and focus. She has a specific therapy plan that does work on this type of need called neurofeedback.
Neurofeedback therapy is a safe therapy that uses the EEG to read the ebb and flow of the human brain. How this is done there are EEG sterile sensors first attached to the patient’s scalp. Afterward, the patient will then watch a video game with his or her mind. The reading is printed out using the EEG machine, and it shows what is happening in what area of the brain.

Neurofeedback is a therapy that is benefiting patients who have experienced medical illnesses such as stress, depression, anxiety, mood disorder, migraines or headaches, PTSD, AHDH, and even fear. This is a safe therapy because there is no type medication or voltage felt so children have had benefit. For example, there have been patients who have had improvement with his or her bed wetting, nightmares, and there have also been some patients who have had improvement with specific types of seizures. This therapy is something that helps strengthen and reteach the mind to work in a more positive way and it has been proven by statistical facts.

Dr. Phillips likes neurofeedback and psychotherapy because she will first see what is happening within your mind then by using the psychotherapy provide in confidential discussion show patients how they can begin improving his or her mental wellness. Every patient is different so there will be different readings for everyone that is seen but one thing has been positive and that is this type of therapy does work and it continues to show improvement with her patients. There are patients who have shown improvement after the first session in some cases which is amazing. Even though there is this fantastic result Dr. Phillips does suggest to all patients for the best of results, there is a follow through with 20 visits. To discuss more about neurofeedback and how it can be of benefit to you visit your local San Diego psychology doctor at Total Brain Health for a confidential discussion. 

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